On Friday the 19th of June 2015, the first “Jenaer Unternehmenscup” (Jena Company Cup) took place. It was a one-day football tournament for organisations and companies in and around Jena.
Some brave and ambitious men accepted the challenge and without further ado founded the “ePages Football Club”. There was some work to do on convincing our team, but after some weeks of hard training and many instructions eight players were ready to go for the cup!
We ran.
We fought.
We shot.
We did our best…
… but unfortunately, the other teams did too.
Our team showed a lot of commitment, passion, team spirit and fun in thrilling matches and also was not frightened of full physical involvement. In the end we won a cup, a cup that we don’t want to win again next time - the “red lantern” challenge cup for the last place:
But at the end of the day only one thing really counts: we had a lot of fun!