JS Unconf 2015 Retrospective

A whole weekend full of JavaScript! Last weekend I had the chance of attending the JS Unconf in Hamburg to gather the latest information on JavaScript. Here is a summary of what it was all about:

It started with the Pre JS Unconf code retreat on Friday, an intense workshop to improve one’s coding skills. In code katas based on “Conway’s Game of Life” and using ECMAScript 6, we were challenged to find elegant coding solutions for a predefined scope. Pair programming with changing partners and varying constraints was the perfect environment to get inspired and develop new ideas. Each coding session followed a small retrospective to sum up the results. The journey is the reward pretty much sums up this inspiring and fruitful day. Coding without delivering anything. Cool!

The next two days focused on awesome talks, of course all related to JavaScript. Rather than following a conventionally structured programme, the audience at the JS Unconf is asked to propose talks and also votes for the talks. Here are some of my favourites:

Optimize continuous delivery with docker

Creative coding

Hacking an intentionally insecure JavaScript Web Application

Functional reactive programming with Bacon.js

The breaks between the presentations allowed plenty of time for questions and discussion as well as networking, even with international participants.

About the author

Paolo Priotto is a Frontend Developer with no fear to hack together SQL, Shell, or Java code until the error message goes away.