Weeks of preparation. Running to and around the Alster during lunch breaks. Athletics exercises. A lot of training sessions and sweat. Focussing on that one goal: participating in the Tough Mudder obstacle course! Find out more how we fought through the mud.
We were well prepared to do the Tough Mudder challenge in the Lüneburg Heath, a muddy and marshy area in Northern Germany. It was raining throughout the day, so it was really slimy and muddy, that means perfect conditions for this great challenge.
The Tough Mudder is a 16 to 18km Cross-Country Run through the wilderness with about 15 different obstacles. Six of these obstacles were tougher ones such as the Birth Canal, Berlin Walls …
…Hangin’ Tough…
…Arctic Enema (diving into 4-degree-cold water) and Kiss of Mud (tasty!).
Tough Mudder is not a competition or a race. It’s a challenge without time measurement and a great team event. The ePagees participating in this event showed great team spirit. The team consisted of six colleagues from four different departments.
Some of these colleagues had never ran that far before, especially on muddy ground - making it an even more spectacular performance!
Starting from the very back row we were all running fast and overtaking quite a few of the other attendees, but still supporting each other until the very last obstacle. It was called Electroshock therapy which we all ran through arm in arm together.