"Task = Stuff needs to be done, do it, and you are rid of it!"
The problem with tasks is however, that there are quite a few of them. Infinite, to be exact. Some mathematician could say which infinite, but pretty much anyway.
The point is that they cannot all be done, definitely not at once. Some tasks are actually preventing others being done. Even the number of the tasks for some limited subareas, for example, bringing the best ecommerce platform to small businesses who could not manage it alone, is in terms of human lifespan infinite. And next subsection of it, for example perfect customer satisfaction, likewise.
You need some kind of system, to find out which tasks are the most important, which are best for reaching the end goal, and prioritising those you do first.
Within a workshop we discussed four of them:
The bottom line of this workshop was to pick one system, which suits your role and your tasks best. With the correct system you can find the right tasks and are able to effectively use your time and reach the target.