Basic information

GET /{shopId}/orders

Returns a list of orders. By default the results for orders are sorted by creationDate.


OAuth 2.0 Token required with scopes:


URI parameters

Name Type Description
shopId string

The unique identifier of the shop.

Required: true
Example: DemoShop

Query parameters

Name Type Description
locale string

Represents the language code according to ISO 639-1 and the country code according to ISO 3166-1. If not provided, the shop’s default language is used. We recommend to always send this parameter with your request. If the default language had been changed in the administration, it might take up to 1 day until this change affects the shop.

Required: false
Example: en_US
page integer

Represents the current page.

Required: false
Default: 1
Minimum: 1
resultsPerPage integer

Specifies the maximum number of results per page.

Required: false
Default: 10
Maximum: 100
viewedOn boolean

Returns orders where the status Viewed is set.

Required: false
pendingOn boolean

Returns orders where the status Pending is set.

Required: false
archivedOn boolean

Returns orders where the status Archived is set.

Required: false
rejectedOn boolean

Returns orders where the status Rejected is set.

Required: false
closedOn boolean

Returns orders where the status Closed is set.

Required: false
dispatchedOn boolean

Returns orders where the status Dispatched is set.

Required: false
paidOn boolean

Returns orders where the status Paid is set.

Required: false
returnedOn boolean

Returns orders where the status Returned is set.

Required: false
deliveredOn boolean

Returns orders where the status Delivered is set.

Required: false
invoicedOn boolean

Returns orders where the status Invoiced is set.

Required: false
lastUpdated boolean

Sort by last updated orders.

Required: false
customerId string

The unique identifier of the customer.

Required: false
productId string

The unique identifier of the product.

Required: false
updatedFrom string

Filters updated orders from this timestamp (format according to ISO 8601).

Orders with edited product line items (quantity or price), added or removed product line items, changed shipping or payment method, changed billing address, finalized order documents as well as changed, added or removed shipping address are also included when using this query parameter.

Required: false
createdBefore string

Filters orders created before this timestamp (format according to ISO 8601). The maximum time frame for displaying orders is 1 year. If no filter is set, all orders will be displayed.

Required: false
createdAfter string

Filters orders created after this timestamp (format according to ISO 8601). The maximum time frame for displaying orders is 1 year. If no filter is set, all orders will be displayed.

Required: false
currency string

Represents the currency code for the order according to ISO 4217.

Required: false

Response attributes

Name Type Description


The number of orders in total.



The page number on which the order appears.



The number of orders returned per page.


array of order

The list of all orders.


HTTP 200

Media type application/json

  "results": 3,
  "page": 1,
  "resultsPerPage": 10,
  "items": [
      "orderId": "5639C509-092F-7704-77D3-D5809AB321D8",
      "orderNumber": "ORD151104/1033",
      "creationDate": "2024-07-04T08:42:49.000Z",
      "billingAddress": {
        "company": "Boehm-Jacobs",
        "salutation": null,
        "firstName": "Walter",
        "lastName": "Ankunding",
        "street": "Barrows Mountain 8",
        "streetDetails": null,
        "zipCode": "W11 1ET",
        "city": "London",
        "state": null,
        "country": "GB",
        "title": null,
        "vatId": null,
        "birthday": "1975-11-08",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "addressExtension": "1.Floor",
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        "bankName": "Lunaview Bank",
        "bankSortCode": "XXLUNBB",
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        "businessPhoneNumber": "0045099906567",
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        "displayName": null,
        "doorCode": null,
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        "phoneNumber": "0045099906567",
        "privateEmailAddress": null,
        "privatePhoneNumber": null,
        "websiteUrl": ""
      "shippingAddress": null,
      "shippingData": {
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          "taxType": "GROSS",
          "formatted": "7.63 €",
          "amount": 7.63,
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        "taxes": [
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              "percentage": 0
            "price": {
              "taxType": "NONE",
              "formatted": "0.00 €",
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      "dispatchedOn": null,
      "viewedOn": "2024-07-04T11:45:07.000Z",
      "lastUpdatedOnDate": "2024-07-06T16:45:28.000Z",
      "customerNumber": "1031",
      "customerId": "56389403-55BC-176C-5343-D5809AB3A579",
      "locale": null,
      "currencyId": "EUR",
      "taxModel": "GROSS",
      "grandTotal": "250.94",
      "totalBeforeTax": "250.94",
      "totalTax": "0",
      "customerComment": null,
      "internalNote": null,
      "rejectedOn": null,
      "inProcessOn": null,
      "closedOn": null,
      "paidOn": "2016-01-20T07:23:47.000Z",
      "returnedOn": null,
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "customer",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "shipping-method",
          "href": ""
      "orderId": "5639C473-4265-5299-FDE2-D5809AB36284",
      "orderNumber": "ORD151104/1032",
      "creationDate": "2024-07-04T08:40:17.000Z",
      "customerId": "563874DA-7AE7-9876-9E59-D5809AB38A25",
      "customerNumber": "1027",
      "locale": "de_DE",
      "currencyId": "EUR",
      "taxModel": "GROSS",
      "grandTotal": "9.99",
      "totalBeforeTax": "8.39",
      "totalTax": "1.6",
      "customerComment": "I need the product asap",
      "internalNote": "Tracking code:YAZUN7989",
      "billingAddress": {
        "company": "Schneiderei",
        "salutation": "Mrs",
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        "streetDetails": null,
        "zipCode": "12345",
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      "viewedOn": "2015-11-04T08:41:35.000Z",
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      "dispatchedOn": "2024-07-05T08:41:35.000Z",
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      "paidOn": "2024-07-04T08:42:12.000Z",
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      "locale": "de_DE",
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      "taxModel": "GROSS",
      "grandTotal": "196.05",
      "totalBeforeTax": "196.05",
      "totalTax": "0",
      "customerComment": "Please deliver asap.",
      "internalNote": null,
      "billingAddress": {
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