A successfully sent request (see Request headers) is followed by an HTTP response. The below table contains the response headers sent by the server.

Header Value Description Example
Content-Length Integer The length of the response body in 8-bit bytes. 45
Content-Type String The media type of this content. application/json
Date String, RFC 2822 date The date and time the response was sent. Mon, 23 Feb 2015 11:18:38 GMT
Server String The name of the server. Jetty(9.2.7.v20150116)
X-epages-Cart-Token String The token that will be issued when a cart is created. To be included in any request to a newly created cart, otherwise a 403 error is returned. UmFuZG9tSVbYnncIV4kUCiM0
X-epages-Media-Type String The media type of the requested file. application/vnd.epages.v1+json
X-RateLimit-Limit Integer The number of calls allowed per hour. 6000
X-RateLimit-Remaining Integer The number of calls that can be made before hitting the limit. 5998
X-RateLimit-Reset String, ISO 8601 The next time the quota will be reset. 2015-02-20T13:14:34.611Z