Request headers give basic information on the request to a server. The following table contains the required request headers that allow you to pass information on the request and the client itself to the server.

Header Value Description Example
Accept String The media type acceptable for the response. application/vnd.epages.v1+json
Authorization String The credentials for accessing the API. Bearer 4HZ9hriF6J3GOnd10JbFzdVehycOvAZf
Content-Type String The media type of the body of the request. Required for PUT and POST requests. application/json
X-epages-Cart-Token String The token that will be issued when a cart is created. To be included in any request to a newly created cart, otherwise a 403 error is returned. UmFuZG9tSVbYnncIV4kUCiM0
User-Agent String The software or agent that accesses the API. statistics app