
This object represents the attribute structure for PayPal PLUS. The structure for other external payments might differ.

Attribute Type Description
InvoiceBankName string The name of the bank that holds the bank account to which the invoice is due.
InvoiceAmount number The invoice amount displayed as a decimal number.
InvoiceAccountHolderName string The name of the bank account holder to whom the invoice is due.
InvoiceIBAN string The International Bank Account Number of the bank account to which the invoice is due.
InvoiceReferenceNumber string The unique reference code that is assigned to the invoice.
InvoiceCurrency string The currency code of the invoice amount. Expressed according to ISO 4217.
InvoicePaymentDueDate string The due date of the invoice. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2020-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
InvoiceBIC string The Bank Identifier Code of the bank that holds the account to which the invoice is due.


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Attribute Type Description
bulkPriceInfo array of bulkPriceInfo Information on bulk pricing for the product.


This object is used for the attributes of shippingAddress and billingAddress.

Attribute Type Description
company string The customer’s company.
salutation string The customer’s salutation, e.g. Mr or Mrs.
title string The customer’s academic title, e.g. professor or PhD.
firstName string The customer’s first name.
lastName string The customer’s last name.
street string The street name of the customer’s address.
streetDetails string An additional field for the street address.
zipCode string The zip or postal code of the address.
city string The name of the city.
state string The name of the state.
country string The name of the country.
vatId string The Id of the VAT.
birthday string The customer’s date of birth.
emailAddress string The customer’s primary email address. This email address will be used by the merchant if the customer does not have a user account.
addressExtension string Further address details of the customer.
bankAccountHolder string The name of the bank account holder.
bankAccountNumber string The bank account number.
bankName string The name of the bank that holds the bank account.
bankSortCode string The bank identifier code.
businessEmailAddress string The customer’s business email address.
businessPhoneNumber string The customer’s business phone number.
department string The department of the company associated with the customer’s address.
displayName string Specifies the name to display for the customer name.
doorCode string The door code associated with the customer’s address.
faxNumber string The customer’s fax number.
fiscalCode string The customer’s fiscal code.
gender string The customer’s gender. Can be either MALE or FEMALE.
jobTitle string The customer’s job title.
middleName string The customer’s middle name.
mobilePhoneNumber string The customer’s mobile phone number.
phoneNumber string The customer’s landline number.
privateEmailAddress string The customer’s private email address.
privatePhoneNumber string The customer’s private phone number
websiteUrl string The customer’s website URL.


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Attribute Type Description
name string The name for the attribute.
preDefAttribute boolean Indicates if the attribute has predefined values.
values attributeSelection The values of the selected attribute for the product type.
visible boolean Indicates if the attribute is displayed in the shop.


Attribute Type Description
min string The minimum range of the filter applied.
max string The maximum range of the filter applied.


Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the selected product attribute, e.g. colour.
value string The assigned value of the selected product attribute, e.g. white.


Attribute Type Description
refQuantity object of quantity The standardised unit for the product, e.g. 1 l.
refPrice object of price The price based upon the standardised unit.
formatted string The formatted output of the base price information, e.g. 1 l = 1.20 EUR.
quantity object of quantity The quantity of the product, e.g. 500 ml.


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Attribute Type Description
quantity object of quantity The quantity of the product the price refers to.
price object of price The price of the product.
basePrice object of basePrice The price information scaled to a standardised base unit, according to the German base price regulation “Preisangabenverordnung” (PAngV), e.g. 1 l = 1.20 EUR. Is null if no reference amount is specified for the product.
priceSavings object of priceSavings Information on the discount the customer benefits from due to the merchant’s settings for customer-specific prices.

bulkPriceInfo (patch request)

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Attribute Type Description
quantity object of quantity The quantity of the product the price refers to.
price object of price The price of the product.


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Attribute Type Description
customerGroup string The name of the customer group.
customerGroupId string The unique identifier of the customer group.
priceInfo array of bulkPriceInfo Information on customer specific bulk pricing for the product.


Attribute Type Description
cartId string The unique identifier of the cart.
billingAddress address The billing address for a cart.
shippingAddress address The shipping address for a cart.
lineItemContainer lineItemContainer Contains the line items of a cart.
shippingData object of shippingData The shipping data of a cart or an order, i.e. short info on shipping method and price.
paymentData object of paymentData The payment data of a cart or an order, i.e. short info on payment method and price.
minimumCart object of minimumCart The minimum order value of a shop.
pickupToken string For internal use only. Can be ignored.
creationDate string The date/time the cart was created. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2018-12-17T21:07:29Z
checkoutUrl string The URL that redirects the browser to the merchant’s shop in order to complete the checkout.
registerSessionUrl string The URL that redirects the browser to the merchant’s shop in order to register a session.
cartValidation object of cartValidation The list of all validations with regard to the cart.
potentialBasketDiscounts object of potentialBasketDiscounts The list of all potential overall discounts for orders in the shop. The included discounts can be of type absolute or percent.
status string The status of the cart. If all line items were added successfully, it is Complete. Otherwise, it is PartiallyComplete. Only included in POST/carts if the attribute forceCreate is true and in POST/carts/{cartId}/multi-line-items.

cart (create request)

Attribute Type Description
currency string The currency code of the price according to ISO 4217.
taxType string Indicates if the amount includes tax. Can be GROSS, NET or NONE.
locale string The locale that identifies the origin of the customer.
lineItems array of productLineItem (create request) The product line items in the cart.
forceCreate boolean Creates a cart if at least one of several line items can be added to the cart successfully. (optional)


Attribute Type Description
possibleShippingMethods string[] The shipping methods that are valid for the current set of products included in the cart.


Attribute Type Description
categoryId string The unique identifier of the category a product is assigned to.
name string The name of the category.
visible boolean Indicates if the category is displayed in the shop.
visibleInNavigation boolean Indicates if the category is displayed in the shop navigation.
alias string The unique identifier of the category.
pageTitle string The page title of this category.
description string The description of the category.
specialOffer boolean Indicates if this category has special offers.
images array of image The images belonging to this category.
parent link The link to the parent category.
subCategories array of link A list of links to the subcategories.
navigationCaption string The name of the category page that appears in the navigation bar.
sfUrl string The link to the categories in the shop’s storefront.
facetedSearchShowFacetsOnCategory boolean Indicates if the search field is displayed on category pages.
facetedSearchCategoryStartDepth number The category level for displaying the search field on category pages. The search field is displayed on the indicated level and all sub levels.

category (create request)

Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the category.
alias string The unique identifier of the new category. If already in use, the system will automatically increment by number, e.g. alias1, alias2.
pageTitle string The page title of the category.
description string The description of the category.
navigationCaption string The name of the category that appears in the navigation bar.

category (update request)

Attribute Type Description
categoryId string The unique identifier of the category a product is assigned to.
name string The name of the category.
alias string The unique identifier of the category.
pageTitle string The page title of this category.
description string The description of the category.
navigationCaption string The name of the category page that appears in the navigation bar.
visible boolean Indicates if the category is displayed in the shop.
visibleInNavigation boolean Indicates if the category is displayed in the shop navigation.


Attribute Type Description
name string The name that appears on the contact information page, e.g. Contact Us.
title string The name of the contact information page, that appears on the browser tab.
navigationCaption string The name of the contact information page that appears in the navigation bar.
shortDescription string Additional short information that can be given to e.g. better explain what’s on the contact information page.
description string Additional information that can be added to the contact information page, e.g. tax identification number or bank account.
company string The name of the shop.
contactPerson string The contact person for the shop, usually the shop owner.
contactPersonJobTitle string The job title of the contact person.
address string The postal address of the shop.
phone string The phone number of the shop.
email string The email address of the shop.


Attribute Type Description
name string The name that appears on the page.
title string The name of the page, that appears on the browser tab.
navigationCaption string The name of the page, that appears in the navigation bar.
shortDescription string Additional short information that can be given to better explain what’s on the page.
description string Information on the topic of the page.


Attribute Type Description
contactInformation contentPageSummaryItem The shop’s contact information.
privacyPolicy contentPageSummaryItem The shop’s privacy policy.
rightsOfWithdrawal contentPageSummaryItem The shop’s rights of withdrawal.
termsAndConditions contentPageSummaryItem The shop’s terms and conditions.
shippingInformation contentPageSummaryItem The shop’s shipping conditions.
links array of link The links to the shop’s contact information, privacy policy, rights of withdrawal, terms and conditions and shipping conditions.


Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the content page.


Attribute Type Description
nativeName string The endonym(s) for the country.
countryIsDefault boolean Indicates if the country is the default country for the shop.
code3 string The country code according to ISO 3166-1 Alpha code 3.
code2 string The country code according to ISO 3166-1 Alpha code 2.
englishName string The country name in English.
countryIsEU boolean Indicates if the country is a member country of the European Union (EU).
countryID string The country ID according to ISO 3166-1 Numeric code.

couponCampaign (create request)

Attribute Type Description
identifier string The alias of the coupon campaign.
name string The name of the coupon campaign.
currency string The currency code according to ISO 4217.
minimumOrderValue string The minimum order value of the coupon campaign, if customers are required to purchase at least a minimum amount to being able to redeem a coupon.
type object of valueType The type of the coupon campaign. Can be one of FIX, PERCENT, or SHIPPING.


Attribute Type Description
campaignId string The unique identifier of the coupon campaign.
identifier string The alias of the coupon campaign.
name string The name of the coupon campaign.
currency string The currency code according to ISO 4217.
type object of valueType The type of the coupon campaign. Can be one of FIX, PERCENT, or SHIPPING.
minimumOrderValue object of price The minimum order value of the coupon campaign, if customers are required to purchase at least a minimum amount to being able to redeem a coupon.
links array of link The link to the exact coupon campaign.


Attribute Type Description
couponLineItemId string The unique identifier of the coupon line item.
couponCampaignId string The unique identifier of the campaign the coupon belongs to.
lineItemPrice object of price The price of the line item (singleItemPrice multiplied by quantity).
validationErrors array of error strings The error that occurred when redeeming a coupon for this cart. Can be one of LineItemsSubTotalTooSmall, CouponIsInvalidated, ValidCouponCountReached, CouponNotEffective, PaymentMethodMisMatch, ShippingMethodMisMatch, ProductMisMatch.


Attribute Type Description
manualCrossSellingTitle string The headline displayed for all crossselling products. Can be edited by the merchant in the administration area.
embedded object of productsPaged The complete product object with the list of all crossselling products.
links array of link The references the crossselling product is linked to.


Attribute Type Description
key string The identifier of the custom attribute.
displayKey string The displayed name of the custom attribute.
singleValue boolean Indicates if just one feature is selected for the custom attribute.
type string The data type of the custom attribute. Can be string, number, bool, datetime, time, url.
values array of variationValue The options selected for the custom attribute.


Attribute Type Description
customerId string The unique identifier of the customer.
customerNumber string The number by which the merchant tracks the customer.
creationDate string The date/time the customer was created. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
billingAddress address The billing address of the customer.
internalNote string Internal note for the customer done by the merchant.
links array of link The link to the customer and their orders.

customer (create request)

Attribute Type Description
customerNumber string The number by which the merchant tracks the customer. If provided, the customer number must be unique. If not provided, the customer number will be generated automatically.
internalNote string Internal note for the customer done by the merchant.
billingAddress address The billing address of the customer (mandatory).


Attribute Type Description
amount number The amount displayed as a decimal number.
unit string The abbreviation of the delivery weight unit. Can be g, kg, mg, oz, lb or t.


Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the line item.
lineItemPrice object of price The price of the line item (singleItemPrice multiplied by quantity).
lineItemProductGuid string The identifier of the related product line item. A deposit is always bound to a product.


Attribute Type Description
attributeName string The name of the filter. Can be ListPrice, Manufacturer, CategoryID, or any other attribute created by the merchant.
attributeType string The type of the filter. Is Standard for Manufacturer, CategoryID, or ListPrice. Is PreDefString for any other attribute created by the merchant.
values array of filterValues The values to refine the search.


Attribute Type Description
attributeValue string The value of the facet.
attributeRange object of attributeRange The minimum and maximum range of the filter applied.
fieldName string The alias of the filter.


Attribute Type Description
matches string The number of objects that match the specified filter criteria.
name string The localized name of the attribute.
filter object of filter The available filter with name and value or name and range that is used for filtering.
selectedValue string The search term(s) used for filtering.


Attribute Type Description
url string The URL of an image.
isZoomEnabled boolean Indicates if the zoom is enabled for a product image. Can be true or false.
classifier string Specifies the image. Can be Thumbnail, Small, HotDeal, MediumSmall, Medium, MediumLarge, Large.
width string The width of the image in pixels.
height string The height of the image in pixels.
fileSize string The size of the image in bytes.


Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the slideshow image.
sizes array of image The size of the images in the slideshow.


Attribute Type Description
op string Patch operation to perform.
path string Contains the value that references the location where the operation is performed.
value object New value to apply.


Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the line item.
lineItemPrice object of price The price of the line item (singleItemPrice multiplied by quantity).


Attribute Type Description
grandTotal object of price The total price including product price, shipping and tax.
totalBeforeTax object of price The total price including product price, shipping excluding tax.
totalTax object of price The total amount of the tax.
lineItemsSubTotal object of price The sum of the line item price of all line items.
productLineItems array of productLineItem A list of line items.
shippingPrice object of price The shipping price of the line item.
couponLineItem object of couponLineItem Contains the line items of a coupon.
deposits array of depositLineItem The deposits that apply for the order.
ecoParticipations array of lineItem The recycling fees included in the order.
shippingOptions array of lineItem The costs for the specific delivery options, such as greeting cards.
basketDiscount object of lineItem The overall discount for the order.


Attribute Type Description
rel string The link relation that describes how the link relates to the call.
href string The URL of the related link that can be used for subsequent calls.
title string The title of the item that is linked. (optional)


Attribute Type Description
status boolean Indicates if the minimum order value is exceeded. Creating an order is not possible when a cart is posted with the minimumCart status false.
code string Represents the selected value of the minimum order value that can be set by the merchant in the administration area of the shop. Can be one of SumProduct, SumCoupon, SumDiscount, SumDelivery or SumPayment.
amount object of price The amount of the minimum value in the cart with currency and tax type.


Attribute Type Description
campaignId string The unique identifier of the newsletter campaign.
language string The language of the newsletter campaign.
identifier string The alias of the newsletter campaign.
name string The name of the newsletter campaign.
description string The description of the newsletter campaign.
numberOfSubscribers string The number of persons that subscribed for the newsletter campaign.
subject string The subject of the newsletter campaign chosen by the merchant.


Attribute Type Description
email string The email address of the subscriber.
name string The name of the subscriber.
subscribed boolean Indicates if this person is subscribed for the newsletter campaign.


Attribute Type Description
orderId string The unique identifier of the order.
documentType string The type of the order document. Can be Invoice or CreditNote.
documentNumber string The number of the order document.
orderNumber string The order number.
creationDate string The date/time of order placement. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
billingAddress address The billing address for the order.
shippingAddress address The shipping address for the order.
invoicedOn string The date/time the order was invoiced. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
partiallyPaidOn string The date/time a part of the order was paid. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
deliveredOn string The date/time the order was delivered. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
partiallyInvoicedOn string The date/time a part of the order was invoiced. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
pendingOn string The date/time the order was set to pending. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
readyForDispatchOn string The date/time the order was prepared for dispatching. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
partiallyDispatchedOn string The date/time a part of the order was dispatched. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
archivedOn string The date/time the order was archived. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
dispatchedOn string The date/time the order was dispatched. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
viewedOn string The date/time the order was viewed. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
customerId string The unique identifier of the customer.
customerNumber string The number by which the merchant tracks the customer.
locale string The locale that identifies the origin of the customer.
currencyId string The unique identifier of the currency used for payment.
taxModel string The tax model that applies for the order, e.g. GROSS.
grandTotal number The total cost of the order.
totalBeforeTax number The total cost of the order before tax is applied.
totalTax number The total amount of the tax.
customerComment string Notes on the order from the customer. Can also be amended by the merchant in the administration. Mainly used for order and delivery notes.
internalNote string Internal notes for the order done by the merchant.
rejectedOn string The date/time the order was rejected. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
inProcessOn string The date/time the order was put into process. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
closedOn string The date/time the order was closed. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
paidOn string The date/time the order was paid. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
returnedOn string The date/time the order was returned. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
shippingData object of shippingData The shipping data of a cart or an order, i.e. short info on shipping method and price.
paymentData object of paymentData The payment data of a cart or an order, i.e. short info on payment method and price.
lineItemContainer lineItemContainer Contains the line items of an order. Only included in GET/orders/{orderId}.
shippingPrice object of price The shipping price for the order.
links array of link The links to the products of the order.


Attribute Type Description
orderId string The unique identifier of the order.
documentType string The type of the order document. Can be Invoice or CreditNote.
documentNumber string The number of the order document.
issueDate string The date/time specified on the document. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z. Note that this date/time is in UTC and has to be converted to the timezone of the issuer (merchant) to match the date on the document.
creationDate string The date/time of document creation. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2015-11-04T08:42:49.000Z
address address The billing address for the order.
lineItemContainer lineItemContainer Contains the line items of an order.
documentPdf string A base64 encoded string (without new line characters) that is provided in the order checkout language.
links array of link The links to the products of the order.


Attribute Type Description
paymentMethod object of paymentMethodInfo Information on the payment type chosen by the customer.
transactionId string The unique identifier of the payment transaction provided by the payment provider.
price object of price The costs or the discount for the payment method.
status string Indicates the status of the payment. Can be either CANCELED, FAILED or null.
taxes array of taxInfo Information on the taxes for the payment.


Attribute Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the payment method.
name string The name of the payment method chosen by the customer.
providerName string The name of the payment provider that executes the payment.
additionalData object of additionalData Additional information required for the payment that can be given to e.g. determine the invoiceIBAN.


This object is used for the attributes of potentialBasketDiscounts.

Attribute Type Description
percentage number The number amount of the percentage.
formatted string The number amount of the percentage with the percentage sign.


Attribute Type Description
absolute object of price The potential absolute overall discount for orders in the shop.
minimumAmount object of price The minimum basket amount of the overall discount, if customers are required to purchase at least a minimum amount to being able to receive the discount.
percent object of percent The potential percentage overall discount for orders in the shop.


This object is used for the attributes of basePrice, depositPrice, ecoParticipationPrice, manufacturerPrice, grandTotal, priceWithDeposits, shippingMethod, totalBeforeTax, totalTax and lineItemsSubTotal.

Attribute Type Description
taxType string Indicates if the amount includes tax. Can be GROSS, NET or NONE.
formatted string The amount of the price with currency unit.
amount number The amount of the price.
currency string The currency code of the price according to ISO 4217.


Attribute Type Description
quantity object of quantity The quantity of the product the price refers to.
taxClass object of taxClassInfo The tax that applies for the product.
price object of price The price of the product.
depositPrice object of price The deposit price for the product, e.g. bottle deposit.
ecoParticipationPrice object of price The advance recycling fee for electric and electronic products which is only in some countries prescribed by law.
manufacturerPrice object of price The sales price recommended by the manufacturer.
priceWithDeposits object of price The price including all deposits, i.e. price, depositPrice and ecoParticipationPrice.
lowestPrice object of price The price of the cheapest variation of a product. Only available if the productVariationType is master, and a price for at least one variation is available.
lowestRefPriceFormatted string The formatted price per reference unit of the cheapest variation of a product. Only available if the productVariationType is master, and a price for at least one variation is available.
highestPrice object of price The price of the most expensive variation of a product. Only available if the productVariationType is master, and a price for at least one variation is available.
basePrice object of basePrice The price information scaled to a standardised base unit, according to the German base price regulation “Preisangabenverordnung” (PAngV), e.g. 1 l = 1.20 EUR. Is null if no reference amount is specified for the product.


Attribute Type Description
percent object of percent The percentage discount on the regular bulk price the customer benefits from due to the merchant’s settings for customer-specific prices.
regularBulkPrice object of price The regular bulk price for the product.


Attribute Type Description
productId string The unique identifier of the product.
name string The name of the product.
visible boolean Indicates if the product is displayed in the shop.
shortDescription string The short description of the product.
deliveryPeriod string The average time of the product being delivered to the customer. By default, the delivery period is displayed in days, but this can be changed by the merchant.
description string The description of the product.
title string The page title of the product page.
priceInfo object of priceInfo Price information on the product.
bulkPriceInfo array of bulkPriceInfo Information on bulk pricing for the product.
customerSpecificPriceInfo array of customerSpecificPriceInfo Information on customer specific pricing for the product.
forSale boolean Information on the sale status of the product. Indicates if the product can be added to the cart.
specialOffer boolean Indicates if the product is a special offer.
deliveryWeight object of deliveryWeightQuantity The delivery weight of the product.
shippingMethodsRestrictedTo array of link Information on possible shipping method restrictions, e.g. express delivery only. Can be null if no restrictions exist.
availabilityText string Additional custom information on the product’s stock level or the delivery period.
availability string The availability of the product. Can be one of OnStock, WarnStock, OutStock.
energyLabelsMaxEfficiencyString string The highest possible efficiency class of an uploaded energy label.
energyLabelsString string A list of energy labels applied to this product. Can be one value or a range with two values.
energyLabelSourceFile string A URL with an image or PDF file containing the energy label image supplied by the manufacturer. Has to be available if the product has an energy label.
productDataSheet string An image or PDF file containing a data sheet with technical information on the product.
sfUrl string The link to the storefront URL of the product.
productNumber string The product number.
isProductNumberVisible boolean Indicates if the product number is displayed in the storefront.
isNew boolean Indicates if the product is displayed as new in the storefront.
isManufacturerPriceRRP boolean Indicates if the manufacturer price is marked as RRP.
isShippingLinkVisible boolean Indicates if a shipping cost reference that links to the shop’s payment & shipping page is displayed together with the product price in the storefront.
productImage string The name of the product image.
images array of image The images belonging to the product.
manufacturer string The manufacturer of the product.
upc string The Universal Product Code of the product.
ean string The European Article Number of the product, either EAN-8 or EAN-13.
essentialFeatures string The essential features of the product.
searchKeywords array of strings The search terms for the product determined by the merchant in the administration.
manufacturerProductNumber string The unique manufacturer identifier of the product. Used to identify and classify a product.
productLength number The length of the product in mm.
productWidth number The width of the product in mm.
productHeight number The height of the product in mm.
stocklevel number Indicates the stock level of the product.
minStocklevel number Indicates the minimum stock level of the product. Available if the field Minimum stock level is used in the administration area of a shop. Only available with the products_write authorisation.
links array of link The links to the product and product category.
productVariationType string The type of the variation product. Can be one of master, regular or variation.
productVariationMasterId string The unique identifier of the variation product. Null if the productVariationType is master or regular.
productVariationMasterName string The name of the variation product. Null if the productVariationType is master or regular.
productVariationSelection array of variationIdentifier The selection of the variation product. Only available if productVariationType is variation.
videos array of video The videos belonging to the product.
isCustomizable boolean Indicates if the product is customizable in the storefront.
customizableTextLength number The maximum length of the custom text the customer can enter for a product in the storefront.
customizableHeadlineText string The headline for the customization text field in the storefront.
newnessDate string The date when the ‘New’ marker is set to expire. Expressed according to ISO 8601.
refAmount string The product reference amount with respect to the product price (e.g. every 1 ‘piece’ costs 10,00 €)
refUnit string The product reference unit. Can be byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terrabyte, gram, kilogram, milligram, ounce, pound, tone, litre, cubicfoot, cubicinch, cubicmetre, cubicyard, fluidounce, gallon, millilitre, quart, metre, centimetre, foot, inch, kilometre, millimetre, yard, piece, bottle, box, can, capsule, carton, glass, kit, pack, packet, pair, roll, set, sheet, ticket, unit, second, day, hour, minute, month, night, week, year, squaremetre, squarecentimetre, squarefoot, squareinch, squaremillimetre, squareyard.
refContentAmount string The number of reference units that is packaged within the product itself (e.g. the product contains 2 ‘piece(s)’).
priceQuantity number The quantity of the product that the product price refers to (e.g. 1 ‘box’ containing 6 ‘piece(s) costs 60,00 €).
orderUnit string The product order unit. Can be one of byte(s), kilobyte(s), megabyte(s), gigabyte(s), terabyte(s), gram(s), kilogram(s), milligram(s), ounce(s), pound(s), ton(s), liter(s), milliliter(s), cubic foot, cubic feet, cubic inch(es), cubic meter(s), cubic yard(s), fluid ounce(s), gallon(s), quart(s), meter(s), centimeter(s), foot, feet, inch(es), kilometer(s), millimeter(s), *yard(s), piece(s), bottle(s), box(es), can(s), capsule(s), crate(s), glass(es), kit(s), pack(s), package(s), pair(s), roll(s), set(s), sheet(s), ticket(s), unit(s), second(s), minute(s), hour(s), day(s), night(s), week(s), month(s), year(s), square meter(s), square centimeter(s), square foot, square feet, square inch(es), square millimeter(s) or square yard(s). The localised name of the unit is displayed.
minOrder number The minimum order amount for the product.
intervalOrder number The increment by which the order amount for the product can be adjusted (e.g. 1.5 m).
productCode string The product code (e.g. EAN, UPC, ASIN and ISBN).
isInWishlist boolean Indicates if the product is stored as a wish list item.

product (create request)

Attribute Type Description
productNumber string The product number (mandatory).
name string The name of the product.
shortDescription string The short description of the product.
description string The description of the product.
manufacturer string The manufacturer of the product.
price number The price of the product.
essentialFeatures string The essential features of the product.
upc string The Universal Product Code of the product.
ean string The European Article Number of the product, either EAN-8 or EAN-13.
deliveryPeriod string The average time of the product being delivered to the customer. By default, the delivery period is displayed in days, but this can be changed by the merchant.
searchKeywords array of string The search terms for the product determined by the merchant in the administration.
visible boolean Indicates if the product is displayed in the shop.
taxClassId string The unique identifier of the tax class.
stocklevel number Indicates the stock level of the product.
depositPrice number The deposit price for the product, e.g. bottle deposit.
manufacturerPrice number The sales price recommended by the manufacturer.
deliveryWeight object of deliveryWeightQuantity The delivery weight of the product.


Attribute Type Description
lineItemId string The unique identifier of the line item.
sku string The stock keeping unit (SKU) corresponding to the line item.
name string The name of the line item.
productId string The unique identifier of the product.
quantity object of quantity The quantity of the line item.
lineItemPrice object of price The price of the line item (singleItemPrice multiplied by quantity).
singleItemPrice object of price The price of a single product line item.
lineItemCouponDiscount object of price The discount of a coupon that is only applied to the specific line item.
images array of image The image of the line item.
additionalInformation object of additionalInformation Additional information about the product line item, for example, information on bulk pricing.
links array of link The links to the product line item.
variationString string The description of the selected variation.
essentialFeatures string The essential features of the line item.
taxClass object of taxClassInfo The tax that applies for the product.
deliveryWeight object of deliveryWeightQuantity The delivery weight of the product line item.
energyLabelsString string A list of energy labels applied to this product. Can be one value or a range with two values.
energyLabelsMaxEfficiencyString string The highest possible efficiency class of an uploaded energy label.
energyLabelSourceFile string A URL with an image or PDF file containing the energy label image supplied by the manufacturer. Has to be available if the product has an energy label.
productDataSheetSourceFile string A URL with an image or PDF file containing a data sheet with technical information on the product.
orderUnit string The product order unit. Can be one of byte(s), kilobyte(s), megabyte(s), gigabyte(s), terabyte(s), gram(s), kilogram(s), milligram(s), ounce(s), pound(s), ton(s), liter(s), milliliter(s), cubic foot, cubic feet, cubic inch(es), cubic meter(s), cubic yard(s), fluid ounce(s), gallon(s), quart(s), meter(s), centimeter(s), foot, feet, inch(es), kilometer(s), millimeter(s), *yard(s), piece(s), bottle(s), box(es), can(s), capsule(s), crate(s), glass(es), kit(s), pack(s), package(s), pair(s), roll(s), set(s), sheet(s), ticket(s), unit(s), second(s), minute(s), hour(s), day(s), night(s), week(s), month(s), year(s), square meter(s), square centimeter(s), square foot, square feet, square inch(es), square millimeter(s) or square yard(s). The localised name of the unit is displayed.
orderUnitShort string The product order unit displayed as an abbreviated unit, if available. Can be one of Byte, KByte, MByte, GByte, TByte, g, kg, mg, oz, lb, t, l, ml, ft³, in³, , yd³, fl oz, gal, qt, m, cm, ft, in, km, mm, yd, s, min, , cm², ft², in², mm² or yd². Otherwise a localised name of the unit is displayed. Can be one of piece(s), bottle(s), box(es), can(s), capsule(s), crate(s), glass(es), kit(s), pack(s), package(s), pair(s), roll(s), set(s), sheet(s), ticket(s), unit(s), hour(s), day(s), night(s), week(s), month(s) or year(s).
minOrder number The minimum order amount for the product.
priceQuantity number The quantity of the product that the product price refers to (e.g. 1 ‘box’ containing 6 ‘piece(s) costs 60,00 €).
quantityPrice object of price The price of the product in regard to its product quantity (singleItemPrice multiplied by priceQuantity).
intervalOrder number The increment by which the order amount for the product can be adjusted (e.g. 1.5 m).
isInWishlist boolean Indicates if the product is stored as a wish list item.

productLineItem (create request)

Attribute Type Description
productId string The unique identifier of the product.
quantity number The product quantity of this line item displayed as a decimal number.

productLineItem (update request)

Attribute Type Description
quantity number The quantity of the product line item displayed as a decimal number.

productLineItemPrice (update request)

Attribute Type Description
singleItemPrice number The price of a single product line item.


Attribute Type Description
results string The number of products in total.
page string The page number on which the products appear.
resultsPerPage string The number of products returned per page.
items object of product The list of all products.


Attribute Type Description
productId string The unique identifier of the product.
name string The name of the product.
visible boolean Indicates if the product is displayed in the shop.
shortDescription string The short description of the product.
deliveryPeriod string The average time of the product being delivered to the customer. By default, the delivery period is displayed in days, but this can be changed by the merchant.
description string The description of the product.
title string The page title of the product page.
priceInfo object of priceInfo Price information on the product.
forSale boolean Information on the sale status of the product. Indicates if the product can be added to the cart.
specialOffer boolean Indicates if the product is a special offer.
deliveryWeight object of deliveryWeightQuantity The delivery weight of the product.
shippingMethodsRestrictedTo array of link Information on possible shipping method restrictions, e.g. express delivery only. Can be null if no restrictions exist.
availabilityText string Additional custom information on the product’s stock level or the delivery period.
availability string The availability of the product. Can be one of OnStock, WarnStock, OutStock.
energyLabelsMaxEfficiencyString string The highest possible efficiency class of an uploaded energy label.
energyLabelsString string A list of energy labels applied to this product. Can be one value or a range with two values.
energyLabelSourceFile string A URL with an image or PDF file containing the energy label image supplied by the manufacturer. Has to be available if the product has an energy label.
productDataSheet string An image or PDF file containing a data sheet with technical information on the product.
sfUrl string The link to storefront URL of the product.
productNumber string The product number.
isProductNumberVisible boolean Indicates if the product number is displayed in the storefront.
isManufacturerPriceRRP boolean Indicates if the manufacturer price is marked as RRP.
isShippingLinkVisible boolean Indicates if a shipping cost reference that links to the shop’s payment & shipping page is displayed together with the product price in the storefront.
isNew boolean Indicates if the product is displayed as new in the storefront.
productImage string The name of the product image.
images array of image The images belonging to the product.
manufacturer string The manufacturer of the product.
upc string The Universal Product Code of the product.
ean string The European Article Number of the product, either EAN-8 or EAN-13.
essentialFeatures string The essential features of the product.
searchKeywords array of strings The search terms for the product determined by the merchant in the administration.
manufacturerProductNumber string The unique manufacturer identifier of the product. Used to identify and classify a product.
productLength number The length of the product in mm.
productWidth number The width of the product in mm.
productHeight number The height of the product in mm.
stocklevel number Indicates the stock level of the product.
minStocklevel number Indicates the minimum stock level of the product. Available if the field Minimum stock level is used in the administration area of a shop. Only available with the products_write authorisation.
links array of link The links to the product and product category.
productVariationType string The type of the variation product. Can be one of master, regular or variation.
productVariationMasterId string The unique identifier of the variation product. Null if the productVariationType is master or regular.
productVariationMasterName string The name of the variation product. Null if the productVariationType is master or regular.
productVariationSelection array of variationIdentifier The selection of the variation product. Only available if productVariationType is variation.
videos array of video The videos belonging to the product.
isCustomizable boolean Indicates if the product is customizable in the storefront.
customizableTextLength number The maximum length of the custom text the customer can enter for a product in the storefront.
customizableHeadlineText string The headline for the customization text field in the storefront.
newnessDate string The date when the ‘New’ marker is set to expire. Expressed according to ISO 8601.
refAmount string The product reference amount with respect to the product price (e.g. every 1 ‘piece’ costs 10,00 €).
refUnit string The product reference unit. Can be byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terrabyte, gram, kilogram, milligram, ounce, pound, tone, litre, cubicfoot, cubicinch, cubicmetre, cubicyard, fluidounce, gallon, millilitre, quart, metre, centimetre, foot, inch, kilometre, millimetre, yard, piece, bottle, box, can, capsule, carton, glass, kit, pack, packet, pair, roll, set, sheet, ticket, unit, second, day, hour, minute, month, night, week, year, squaremetre, squarecentimetre, squarefoot, squareinch, squaremillimetre, squareyard.
refContentAmount string The number of reference units that is packaged within the product itself (e.g. the product contains 2 ‘piece(s)’).
priceQuantity number The quantity of the product item that the price refers to (e.g. 1 ‘box’ containing 6 ‘piece(s) costs 60,00 €).
orderUnit string The product order unit. Can be one of byte(s), kilobyte(s), megabyte(s), gigabyte(s), terabyte(s), gram(s), kilogram(s), milligram(s), ounce(s), pound(s), ton(s), liter(s), milliliter(s), cubic foot, cubic feet, cubic inch(es), cubic meter(s), cubic yard(s), fluid ounce(s), gallon(s), quart(s), meter(s), centimeter(s), foot, feet, inch(es), kilometer(s), millimeter(s), *yard(s), piece(s), bottle(s), box(es), can(s), capsule(s), crate(s), glass(es), kit(s), pack(s), package(s), pair(s), roll(s), set(s), sheet(s), ticket(s), unit(s), second(s), minute(s), hour(s), day(s), night(s), week(s), month(s), year(s), square meter(s), square centimeter(s), square foot, square feet, square inch(es), square millimeter(s) or square yard(s). The localised name of the unit is displayed.
minOrder number The minimum order amount for the product.
intervalOrder number The increment by which the order amount for the product can be adjusted (e.g. 1.5 m).
productCode string The product code (e.g. EAN, UPC, ASIN and ISBN).
query string The search query.
fallbackQuery string The fallback used if the original query did not produce any results.
facets array of facet The refined search filter options.
isInWishlist boolean Indicates if the product is stored as a wish list item.

productSearch (create request)

Attribute Type Description
query string The search term for the search request.
sortBy string Sorts the search results by the applied search filter. Can be one of RELEVANCE, NAME_ASC, NAME_DESC, ALIAS_ASC, ALIAS_DESC, POSITION, POSITION_ASC, POSITION_DESC, PRICE_ASC, PRICE_DESC, or CUSTOMER_RATING.
attributeFilters array of filter The attributes to be filtered with the search request.


Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the product resulting from the query.
images array of image The image of the product resulting from the query.
link link The link to the product resulting from the query.


ePages Now only!

Attribute Type Description
productTypeId string The unique identifier of the product type.
name string The name of the product type.
alias string The alias for the product type.
attributes attributeProducttype The attributes of the selected product type.

productType (create request)

ePages Now only!

Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the product type.
alias string The alias for the product type.
attributes attributeProducttype The attributes of the selected product type.


Attribute Type Description
amount number The amount displayed as a decimal number.
unit string The unit displayed as abbreviated unit, if available. Can be one of Byte, kByte, MByte, GByte, TByte, l, ml, ft³, in³, , yd³, fl oz, gal, qt, m, cm, ft, in, km, mm, yd, s, min, , cm², ft², in², mm² or yd². Otherwise a localised name of the unit is displayed. Can be piece(s), bottle(s), crate(s), can(s), capsule(s), box(es), glass(es), kit(s), pack(s), package(s), pair(s), roll(s), set(s), sheet(s), ticket(s), unit(s), day(s), hour(s), week(s), month(s), night(s) or year(s).


Attribute Type Description
currency string The currency code according to ISO 4217.
totalGrossRevenue number The total gross revenue received from completed orders.
totalNetRevenue number The total net revenue received from completed orders.
unitsSold number The number of sold product units (only available with active filter productId).
totalOrders number The number of orders for the defined time frame.


Attribute Type Description
createdAfter string The date/time of orders created after this timestamp. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2017-02-04T08:42:49.000Z
createdBefore string The date/time of orders created before this timestamp. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2017-02-04T08:42:49.000Z
salesPerCurrency array of sales The sales summary grouped by currency.


Attribute Type Description
scriptTagId string The unique identifier of the script tag.
scriptUrl string The URL of the script. Has to start with https. If the URL ends with worker.js, the script tag will be registered as a ServiceWorker.
scriptType string The type of the script.
createdOn string The date/time the script tag was created. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2017-02-04T08:42:49.000Z
updatedOn string The date/time the script tag was last updated. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2017-03-05T10:51:31.000Z
links array of link The link to the script tag.

scriptTag (create request)

Attribute Type Description
scriptUrl string The URL of the script. Has to start with https. If the URL ends with worker.js, the script tag will be registered as a ServiceWorker.


Attribute Type Description
shippingMethod object of shippingMethodInfo Information on the shipping method chosen by the customer.
price object of price The costs for the shipping.
taxes array of taxInfo Information on the taxes for the shipping.


Attribute Type Description
shippingMethodId string The unique identifier of the shipping method.
name string The name of the shipping method.
description string The description of the shipping method.
logo string The logo of the shipping method.
price object of price The costs for the shipping. If the costs for the shipping can differ, for example for weight-based shipping methods, the minimum costs will be returned.


Attribute Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the shipping method.
name string The name of the shipping method.


Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the shop.
email string The email address of the merchant.
slogan string The slogan of the shop.
logoUrl string The URL to the logo of the shop.
sfUrl string The URL to the storefront of the shop.
mboUrl string The URL to the administration area of the shop.
isInEU boolean Indicates if the shop is located in the European Union (EU).
countryCode2 string The country code according to ISO 3166-1 Alpha code 2.


Attribute Type Description
quantity object of quantity The quantity of the product the price refers to.
price object of price The price of the product.


Attribute Type Description
categoryId string The unique identifier of the new category.
alias string The alternate name that uniquely identifies the category. If already in use, the system will automatically increment by number, e.g. alias1, alias2.
name string The name of the category.
pageTitle string The page title of this category.
description string The description of the category.
parent object of link The link to the parent category.
sfUrl string The link to the categories in the shop’s storefront.
links array of link A list of links to the products.


Attribute Type Description
taxClassId string The unique identifier of the tax class.
name string The name of the tax class.
percentage number The percentage the product is taxed with.


Attribute Type Description
taxClassId string The unique identifier of the tax class.
name string The name of the tax class.
links array of link A list of links to the products.


Attribute Type Description
taxClass object of taxClassInfo The information on the tax class.
price object of price The amount of the charged tax.


Attribute Type Description
model string The tax model of the shop. Can be GROSS (taxes included) or NET (taxes excluded).
displayTaxes boolean Indicates if a tax notification message for product prices has to be displayed in the shop, e.g. if the tax model is GROSS and the displayTaxes is true, a message has to be displayed in the shop that the prices include taxes.
noTaxesMessage string If displayTaxes is false this message is displayed for product prices. Used if VAT does not need to be declared as the invoicer is a small-sized business according to §19 UStG (German VAT law).
deliveryThresholdIsActive boolean Indicates if the delivery threshold is exceeded in the shop.
countryCode2 string The country code of the shop according to ISO 3166-1 Alpha code 2.


Attribute Type Description
item object of product The data of the product.
lastUpdated string The date/time the product was last updated. Expressed according to ISO 8601. Example: 2016-02-25T08:49:31Z


Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the coupon value type.
waiveShippingCosts boolean Indicates if shipping costs are included.


Attribute Type Description
link link The link to the product variation.
attributeSelection array of attributeSelection The attribute of the selected product variation.

variation (create request)

Attribute Type Description
productType string The unique name of the product type.
visibleAfterCreation boolean Indicates if the new product variations are displayed in the shop after creation.
variationAttributes array of variationAttribute (create request) The attributes used for creating product variations.


Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the variation attribute.
displayName string The displayed name of the variation attribute.
values array of variationValue The values of the variation attribute.

variationAttribute (create request)

Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the variation attribute.
defaultForExistingProducts string The default value that gets assigned to existing product variations.
values array of variationValue (create request) The values of the variation attribute.


Attribute Type Description
name string The name of the selected product variation.
displayName string The localized displayed name of the selected product variation.
value string The key of an attribute, e.g. NeonPurple.
displayValue string The localized displayed name of the attribute, e.g. Neon Purple.


Attribute Type Description
value string The key of an attribute, e.g. NeonPurple.
displayValue string The localized displayed name of the attribute, e.g. Neon Purple.

variationValue (create request)

Attribute Type Description
value string The assigned value of the variation attribute, e.g. neon purple.


Attribute Type Description
type string The provider of a video.
source string Specifies the video source. Depending on the provider this can be the video id or video URL.


Attribute Type Description
productId string The unique identifier of the product.
name string The name of the product.
productNumber string The product number.
watchers number The number of watchers.
links array of link The link to the watched product.