Basic information

GET /{shopId}/script-tags

Returns a list of all script tags for a shop.


OAuth 2.0 Token required with scopes:


URI parameters

Name Type Description
shopId string

The unique identifier of the shop.

Required: true
Example: DemoShop

Query parameters

Name Type Description
myScriptTagsOnly boolean

Shows script tags that have been created for a specific application only.

Required: false

Response attributes

Name Type Description

array of scriptTag

The list of all script tags.


HTTP 200

Media type application/json

  "items": [
      "scriptTagId": "A348E2BC-F704-4515-868C-5F9E19B4D702",
      "scriptUrl": "",
      "scriptType": "NORMAL",
      "createdOn": "2017-02-21T14:30:15Z",
      "updatedOn": "2017-02-21T14:30:15Z",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": ""
      "scriptTagId": "F3783939-09CD-463C-AA77-ED0E1677FAF8",
      "scriptUrl": "",
      "scriptType": "NORMAL",
      "createdOn": "2017-02-21T14:29:29Z",
      "updatedOn": "2017-02-21T14:29:29Z",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": ""