Basic information

GET /{shopId}/shipping-methods

Returns the shipping methods of a shop.


OAuth 2.0 Token required with scopes:


URI parameters

Name Type Description
shopId string

The unique identifier of the shop.

Required: true
Example: DemoShop

Query parameters

Name Type Description
locale string

Represents the language code according to ISO 639-1 and the country code according to ISO 3166-1. If not provided, the shop’s default language is used. We recommend to always send this parameter with your request. If the default language had been changed in the administration, it might take up to 1 day until this change affects the shop.

Required: false
Example: en_US

Response attributes

Name Type Description

array of shippingMethod

The list of all shipping methods.


HTTP 200

Media type application/json

    "shippingMethodId": "5171DD86-C077-0726-C448-AC14145F9026",
    "name": "Standard delivery",
    "description": null,
    "logo": null,
    "price": {
      "taxType": "GROSS",
      "formatted": "7.00 €",
      "amount": 7,
      "currency": "EUR"
    "shippingMethodId": "5171DD86-4B9C-4281-30BC-AC14145F908F",
    "name": "Express delivery",
    "description": null,
    "logo": null,
    "price": {
      "taxType": "GROSS",
      "formatted": "12.00 €",
      "amount": 12,
      "currency": "EUR"
    "shippingMethodId": "5171DD86-CCFD-ED56-DBF3-AC14145F900E",
    "name": "Customer pickup",
    "description": null,
    "logo": null,
    "price": null