Basic information

POST /{shopId}/coupon-campaigns

Creates a coupon campaign for a shop. Coupon campaign types can be FIX (absolute value), PERCENT (percentage value), and SHIPPING (waive delivery costs).


OAuth 2.0 Token required with scopes:


URI parameters

Name Type Description
shopId string

The unique identifier of the shop.

Required: true
Example: DemoShop

Query parameters

Name Type Description
locale string

Represents the language code according to ISO 639-1 and the country code according to ISO 3166-1.

Required: true
Example: en_US

Request attributes

Name Type Description

object of couponCampaign (create request)

Request body

Media type application/json

  "identifier": "summer_sale_2019",
  "name": "Summer Sale 2019",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "minimumOrderValue": 100,
  "type": {
    "name": "FIX",
    "waiveShippingCosts": true,
    "amount": 12

Response attributes

Name Type Description

object of couponCampaign


HTTP 201

Media type application/json

  "campaignId": "5774E27E-0AD5-A8F6-7395-AC1532116DFC",
  "identifier": "summer_sale_2019",
  "name": "Summer Sale 2019",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "type": {
    "name": "FIX",
    "waiveShippingCosts": true,
    "amount": 12
  "minimumOrderValue": {
    "taxType": "NONE",
    "formatted": "100.00 €",
    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "EUR"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""