Basic information
PUT /{shopId}/carts/{cartId}/shipping-address
Modifies the shipping address for a cart.
URI parameters
Name | Type | Description |
shopId |
string |
The unique identifier of the shop. Required:
cartId |
string |
The unique identifier of the cart. Required:
Request attributes
Name | Type | Description |
object of address |
Request body
Media type application/json
{ "firstName" : "Heiner", "lastName" : "Backland", "street" : "Crab Road 2", "zipCode" : "87956", "city" : "Borrowland", "country" : "DE", "emailAddress" : "" }
Response attributes
Name | Type | Description |
object of cart |
HTTP 200
Media type application/json
{ "cartId": "5858FD17-147C-661C-9C33-D5809AB3C8BA", "billingAddress": null, "shippingAddress": { "company": "Boehm-Jacobs", "salutation": null, "firstName": "Walter", "lastName": "Ankunding", "street": "Barrows Mountain 8", "streetDetails": null, "zipCode": "W11 1ET", "city": "London", "state": null, "country": "GB", "title": null, "vatId": null, "birthday": null, "addressExtension": "1.Floor", "bankAccountHolder": "Walter Ankunding", "bankAccountNumber": "UK2677379838510", "bankName": "Lunaview Bank", "bankSortCode": "XXLUNBB", "businessEmailAddress": "", "businessPhoneNumber": "0045099906567", "department": null, "displayName": null, "doorCode": null, "faxNumber": "0045099906568", "fiscalCode": null, "gender": "MALE", "jobTitle": "Manager", "middleName": null, "mobilePhoneNumber": "0045099906567", "phoneNumber": "0045099906567", "privateEmailAddress": null, "privatePhoneNumber": null, "websiteUrl": "", "emailAddress": "" }, "lineItemContainer": { "grandTotal": { "taxType": "GROSS", "formatted": "26.35 €", "amount": 26.35, "currency": "EUR" }, "totalBeforeTax": { "taxType": "NET", "formatted": "22.14 €", "amount": 22.14, "currency": "EUR" }, "totalTax": { "taxType": "NONE", "formatted": "4.21 €", "amount": 4.21, "currency": "EUR" }, "lineItemsSubTotal": { "taxType": "GROSS", "formatted": "25.98 €", "amount": 25.98, "currency": "EUR" }, "productLineItems": [ { "lineItemId": "5858FD17-79EB-9148-E5B3-D5809AB3C842", "sku": "Acc-001", "name": "Connector 6.3 mm", "productId": "54E72E1F-746A-8B6E-8E41-0A0C05E64669", "quantity": { "amount": 2, "unit": "yd³" }, "lineItemPrice": { "taxType": "GROSS", "formatted": "25.98 €", "amount": 25.98, "currency": "EUR" }, "singleItemPrice": { "taxType": "GROSS", "formatted": "12.99 €", "amount": 12.99, "currency": "EUR" }, "lineItemCouponDiscount": { "taxType": "GROSS", "formatted": "1.70 €", "amount": 1.7, "currency": "EUR" }, "images": [ { "url": "", "classifier": "HotDeal", "isZoomEnabled": false, "width": 0, "height": 0, 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"absolute": null, "minimumAmount": { "taxType": "GROSS", "formatted": "50.00 €", "amount": 50, "currency": "EUR" }, "percent": { "percentage": 10.0, "formatted": "10 %" } } ], "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "" }, { "rel": "shipping-method", "href": "" }, { "rel": "add-coupon", "href": "" } ] }